More precious than silver: Dawn and Janet’s journey of faith

A silver wedding anniversary is a significant milestone in every couple’s lives. Through thick and thin, both partners witness the fruit of success in their relationship through love, trust and loyalty.

Meet Dawn and Janet Perez, a married couple who recently went viral on TikTok. The pair were encouraged by their eldest daughter to capture their day by doing the Index Card Challenge in honor of its silver wedding anniversary on Jan. 5.

Dawn, 51, accepted a full-time position as a minister in a Christian organization while Janet, 52, is a physical therapist by profession but was called to be a minister’s wife full time—caring for her husband, children and ministry. Dawn and Janet first crossed paths in the ministry in 1991, and they have remained co-laborers ever since.

The pair faced being away from each other in the early stages of their friendship. Being apart from someone makes it a hurdle to get to know them and develop a bond; something that many people in the modern world strive to avoid.

When they were apart, they concentrated on their own spiritual growth, praying a lot and showing a faith that went beyond understanding. After a season of praying through faith, Dawn laid down his desire to be with Janet.

After a month, Dawn and Janet became engaged, thanks to the help of the Church community and accountability partners who guided and journeyed alongside them. The couple transitioned from being friends, to saying “I do” in a month.

The couple, who were challenged by their preferences and differences, said that “separation is not an option.” Dawn and Janet both hold that putting their love for God first will lead them to put their commitment for one another a priority in their marriage.

Dawn was raised in a dysfunctional household without a father. Janet, on the other hand, was raised with her father spending 20 years overseas. Each partner had a different background growing up and brought different values with them.

They were able to recognize the differences and embrace them with the aid of the church community and their relationship with God. The two realized that they were flawed individuals who had been brought together by a perfect God.

“I sincerely hope and pray that couples will remain hopeful and persevere. Who will be open to a church community and who will be willing to comprehend the spiritual aspects of marriage,” Dawn said.

The couple emphasized the need of having a marriage that is Gospel centered where kindness, forgiveness and unconditional love is upfront towards each other.

Dawn and Janet’s 25-year faith-filled marriage has and will always have God be the core foundation of their strength, love and guidance.

Let their relationship be a reminder and inspiration to everyone that a love that lasts a lifetime still exists to this generation with God being the center of everything and anything.