Suarez-Orendain: Fastbackward

IN A fast-track, fast-food, fast-forward, and fast-anything world, it hit me that I could do a fastbackward to handle New Year 2023. (Did I just coin a new word for “quickly going back to the past”?)

We are moving at 3.8GHz speeds and yet a few columns and features still hit the desktop of newsroom editors just one minute before the deadline, dear me.

At some fast-food chains, the waiting time for food to get done at least does not test the patience of hungry customers.

We exist in a fast world. Many of us make fast decisions that we later regret. We either append those decisions or completely backtrack to make a new one.

With every New Year, we pull out a pristine sheet of paper (for old school types, ahem) or pull out the laptop or smartphone to quickly key in a wish list to make a better New Year.

I’m pessimistic about that list.

Neither Santa C. nor his elves can help you with that list. The magic is on your own in pushing yourself to fulfill Wish No. 1 so you can quickly move to No. 2. The truth is, Virginia, by February, No. 1 is still quickly knocking on your conscience. Yes, guilty as charged. OK, I will do it tomorrow. Or on the next morrow. Come on, Conscience, there are 365 tomorrows to do it.

I have been there, and I know I have been “doing a Santa”: You know, checking my list, checking it twice and speedily crossing out the not-so-nice to do.

So here I am with my fastbackward in hopes I can be a better New Year List Maker.

Fastbackward is seeing some parts of your past flash before your eyes as you summon old lessons taught to us, recall stories and experiences with the goal of learning from them.

Application produces learning. We have all done some good acts in the past.

OTHERS FIRST. My father Flaviano told me when I was yet in high school, “Someday you will have people working for you. Never delay their wage even if it means having to draw from your savings or borrowing the money. Your workers depend on you and wages paid on time will make them thank God.”

When my dad died years ago, his secretary tearfully shared with me my father’s selfless act. Dad walked his talk, and to honor him I keep trying to follow in his footsteps.

KOINONIA. Alyss, a new friend, said she had a classmate who was raised by a single parent. Her dad did not earn much. As a result, there were times the classmate only had rice for lunch or none at all.

So Alyss and four other classmates would bring extra food, put it on the school canteen table for everyone to dig in, potluck style.

That classmate is now gainfully employed. And ever so kind to people.

Christmas has been lean this year, but that did not stop me from using my limited resources to make my father proud of me.