Dried cannabis seized in Benguet 

BAGUIO CITY — Policemen seized P15 million worth of dried marijuana stalks weighing 125 kilos tucked inside three sacks while conducting internal security operations in the village of Badeo, Kibungan town in Benguet province on Monday. 

No one was caught, Cordillera Police Director Brigadier General David Peredo said, though he promised investigators were trying to find leads on who could have harvested the leaves. The sacks of marijuana were probably about to be taken for processing into bricks or before these are sold in lowland markets, he said. 

Authorities burned the marijuana on site after policemen took samples for tests by the Regional Forensic Unit.   

Earlier on Sunday, police burned 10,500 pieces of fully grown marijuana leaves from two plantation sites in Buscalan, Tinglayan town in Kalinga.  The marijuana haul was estimated at P2.1 million. — Artemio A. Dumlao