Iranian leader threatens retaliation against Israel and criticizes US and West over Gaza situation

Iran’s leader threatened action against Israel during a prayer ceremony celebrating the end of Ramadan, when he promised retaliation against Israel for an airstrike that demolished Iran’s consulate in Syria earlier in the month. In his remarks, Khamenei said the strike, which left 12 people dead including seven Iranian Revolutionary Guard members, four Syrians and a Hezbollah militia member, was “wrongdoing” and akin to an attack on Iran itself. “When they attacked our consulate area, it was like they attacked our territory,” Khamenei said. “The evil regime must be punished, and it will be punished.” Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz posted a tweet shortly after the remarks in an apparent response, vowing that if Iran attacks from its own territory, Israel will respond and attack in Iran. Israel has not acknowledged its involvement in the airstrike. Israel is still at war with Hamas, the terror group which governs the Gaza Strip, and has been bracing for an Iranian response amid its long-running shadow war. Hamas is funded by and has received support from Iran, as does Hezbollah, another terror group that has attacked Israel from Lebanon and Syria in recent months. Khamenei did not elaborate on the way Iran would retaliate. In the speech, he also criticized the West, particularly the U.S. and Britain, for supporting Israel in its war against Hamas in Gaza. The Iranian leader specifically condemned the West for not doing more to end the war. “It was expected they (would) prevent (Israel) in this disaster. They did not. They did not fulfill their duties, the Western governments,” he said. Iran supports and militant groups and does not formally recognize Israel.